Hardwick Airfield (Station 104)

First Image Title Catalogue Reference Date(s)
Collection of mounted photographs part two: 44th Bomb Group, 93rd Bomb Group, 389th Bomb Group and 392nd Bomb Group MC 371/908/43-64, USF PH 23/1 c 1943-1944 View
Copies of photographs of personnel and aeroplane nose art MC 371/99, USF 2/4 1943 View
Documents relating to air crash at Hardwick MC 376/60, USF 2/8 3 Mar 1944 View
Memoir and letters relating to Ben Kuroki MC 376/384, USF 2/6 1943-1944 View
Memoir of Edward McGuire MC 371/125, USF 2/8 1983 View
Modern reprint of an aerial photograph of Hardwick airbase MC 371/103, USF 2/4 20th century View
Photographs MC 371/89, USF PH 2/1 1945 View
Photographs (captioned on reverse) showing Hardwick airbase MC 371/109, USF PH 2/1 1986-1987 View
Photographs of personnel at Hardwick MC 376/463, USF PH 2/1 c 1944 View
Photographs of personnel at Hardwick MC 376/466, USF PH 2/1 c 1944 View
Photographs relating to airbases at Hardwick and Rechlin, Germany MC 371/85, USF 2/1 1945 View
Photographs showing Hardwick base MC 376/465, USF PH 2/1 1987 View
Plan of Hardwick airbase and papers relating to memorials MC 371/142, USF 2/1 c 1994 View
Recorded memoir of Glen D. Thompson MC 371/882/59 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of John Mosier MC 371/882/57 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Robert A. Jacobs ( Robert Jacobs) MC 371/882/65 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Violes Flanary MC 376/224 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of William G. Clayton MC 371/882/31 nd [c 1985] View
Records relating to the Ketchum crew MC 371/108, USF 2/6 1943 View
Reprint of an aerial photograph of Hardwick airbase MC 376/100, USF 2/4 c 1945 View
Reunion memorabilia MC 371/129, USF 2/9 1987 View
Tony North's photograph album: 93rd Bomb Group MC 376/733, USF 23/2 c 1942-c 1945 View