Wendling Airfield (Station 118)

First Image Title Catalogue Reference Date(s)
Collection of mounted photographs part two: 44th Bomb Group, 93rd Bomb Group, 389th Bomb Group and 392nd Bomb Group MC 371/908/43-64, USF PH 23/1 c 1943-1944 View
Copies of photographs, letters and articles relating to Wendling air base MC 376/764, USF 4/10 1951-2000 View
General information MC 371/231, USF 4/9 1993-1996 View
General information MC 376/85, USF 4/3 9 Sep 1943-8 Jun 1992 View
General research papers MC 376/395, USF 4/3 1944-1977 View
List of 392nd Bomb Group (Wendling) aeroplanes MC 376/785, USF 4/11 1943-1945 View
Memoir MC 376/316, USF 4/7 20th century View
Memoir MC 376/462, USF 4/8 13 Jul 2002 View
Mission and briefing reports MC 376/763, USF 4/10 1944 View
Mission list, sketches and photographs MC 371/212, USF 4/1 1945-1946 View
Papers and photographs relating to the rededication of the Wendling memorial, 1989 and 43rd annual reunion, 1990 MC 376/770, USF 4/10 1989-1990 View
Papers relating to the 50th anniversary of the B-24 Liberator. MC 376/765, USF 4/10 1944-1989 View
Photograph collection: part four MC 376/394, USF 4/3 1943-1945 View
Photograph showing wall art in the combat officers' mess MC 376/496, USF PH 4/1 9 Aug 1987 View
Photographs and memories of Peter T. Gorringe MC 376/805, USF 4/11 c 1943-2013 View
Photographs including aeroplanes, crashes, missions, mission damage in France and Germany and personnel MC 376/771, USF 4/11 c 1943-2002 View
Poster print of a watercolour 'Liberators From Wendling' MC 371/860, USF OVR/4 18 Mar 1945 View
Recorded memoir of Alexander Quaglietti MC 371/882/56 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Hervey Stetson MC 371/882/35 10 Feb 1986 View
Recorded memoir of J. Fred Thomas MC 371/882/25 7 Mar 1983 View
Recorded memoir of John Muka MC 371/882/38 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Joseph Whittaker MC 371/882/60 Jan 1983 View
Recorded memoir of Kenneth Healing, part 1 of 2 (side A of cassette) MC 376/522/1 late 20th century View
Recorded memoir of Kenneth Healing, part 2 of 2 (side B of cassette) MC 376/522/2 late 20th century View
Recorded memoir of Myron Keilman MC 371/882/30 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Odell F. Dobson, part 1 of 2 (side A of cassette) MC 371/882/32/1 31 Jan 1983 View
Recorded memoir of Odell F. Dobson, part 2 of 2 (side B of cassette) MC 371/882/32/2 31 Jan 1983 View
Tony North's photograph album: 392nd Bomb Group MC 376/735, USF 23/3 c 1942-c 1945 View
Transcript of memoirs taped for Myron Keilman MC 376/774, USF 4/11 nd [20th century] View
Transcript of oral history symposium on occasion of the 50th anniversary of Wendling Bomb Group MC 376/776, USF 4/11 1993 View
Wendling Bomb Group crew loading lists MC 376/769, USF 4/10 Sep 1943-Jul 1944 View