Mini-biographies, commendations and information to be used in case of capture relating to pilot Robert Boyle's crew (MC 376/219, USF 12/5)
Document Information

Mini-biographies, commendations and information to be used in case of capture relating to pilot Robert Boyle's crew


MC 376/219, USF 12/5

11 papers; 1 pamphlet

30 May 1944-12 Aug 1944

489th Bomb Group

Robert N. Boyle

Image 020 contains redacted information. Some crew biographies which contain personal information have not been included.

Image Information

Certificate of merit for completion of operational tour. List of combat missions with names of crew members. Photocopy of a commendation, 14 November 1944. List of useful emergency phrases in French, Dutch, German and Spanish. Booklet, 'If you Should be Captured These are Your Rights' (War Department Pamphlet 21-7, 1944). Mini-biographies of the members of crew no. 87 (7 papers).