Memoir: '492 Bomb Group the 856 Bomb Squadron Remembered,' with correspondence (MC 376/229, USF 14/4)
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Memoir: '492 Bomb Group the 856 Bomb Squadron Remembered,' with correspondence
MC 376/229, USF 14/4
3 papers
492nd Bomb Group
William D. Sparks
Image 001 contains redacted information.
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Copy of a letter to 'The Carpetbaggers' and 2nd Air Division Journal in the form of a memoir, '492nd Bomb Group the 856th Bomb Squadron Remembered,' by Bill Sparks (undated). Copy of a letter to Norman P. Johns regarding a return visit made from the United States to North Pickenham in 1974, and giving thanks for memorabilia received, 29 December 1991.