Papers relating to Tom Eaton's attendance at 1973 2nd Air Division Convention and to his retirement (MC 376/425, USF 22/1)
Document Information

Papers relating to Tom Eaton's attendance at 1973 2nd Air Division Convention and to his retirement


MC 376/425, USF 22/1

15 papers; 23 photographs


2nd Air Division Memorial Trust

None associated

Image 48 is reproduced with kind permission of Archant Limited, publishers of the Eastern Daily Press.

Image Information

Transcript of the speech given by T.C. Eaton marking his retirement as Chairman of the Memorial Trust, 31 January 1997. Photographs taken at the retirement dinner. Transcript of a newspaper article, 'American Journey', describing T.C. Eaton's visit to the 2nd Air Division Association Convention in the United States, 1973