Photocopies of news cuttings and articles relating to reunions and the recollections of American airmen and their families. (MC 371/342, USF 7/1)
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Photocopies of news cuttings and articles relating to reunions and the recollections of American airmen and their families.
MC 371/342, USF 7/1
14 papers
2 Jan 1945-27 Jun 1992
448th Bomb Group
None associated
Contains images copyright of Archant (Eastern Daily Press).
Image Information
Article relating to the war baby Merilyn Kerton's meeting with her American relations, 'Eastern Daily Press', (10 April 1986). Article by David Stansfield, 'Milk Run That Turned Sour', concerning an aircraft's crash-landing in Lancashire, 2 January 1945, in 'Aviation Archaeology' (undated). Article, 'Lost Aircrew Not Forgotten' in the 'Eastern Daily Press', (30 March 1987), regarding the restoration of Seething control tower. 'Window on East Anglia' feature on American airmen in Norwich, in the 'Eastern Daily Press', (13 July 1990). Article about the return of Flying Fortresses and Liberators to the United States (unidentified publication, 25 May 1945). Letter to the editor regarding the convention of the 2nd Air Division Memorial Association, 'Eastern Daily Press', (6 July 1983). Feature on the return of Richard Kimball and the crew of the B-24 'Picadilly Lil' to Norfolk in the Wellington, Kansas, 'Daily News', (17 February 1988). Article on the return of George Gledanik and other crews to Seething in the 'Daily Mail', (27 May 1987). Feature article on the reunion of Clair Rowe's crew in 'Grand Forks Herald', (2 October 1983). Article about the crew of the B-24 'Black Widow' and return to Seething by crew member Harold Benvenuti (unidentified and undated publication). Feature article on the publication of the first newsletter of the Station Tower 146 Association, Seething (undated). Article on the visit of Mary Blakeby to Seething to see pictures of her father, Joe 'Rocky' Starek, in the 'Eastern Daily Press', (3 September 1989). Article giving local recollections of American airmen by Mr and Mrs Todd of the George and Dragon pub, Thurton, in the 'Eastern Daily Press', (27 June 1992).