467th Bomb Group (Rackheath)

First Image Title Catalogue Reference Date(s)
467th Bomb Group 200th mission 'short snorter' featuring an image of the B-24 'Witchcraft' MC 376/585, USF 19/5 1945 View
467th Bomb Group roster MC 371/470, USF 11/5 nd [20th century] View
Air strike photographs, mission diary and related documents MC 376/313, USF 11/7 1944-1945 View
Article concerning Walter Colvin's service history MC 371/467, USF 11/5 5 Oct 1990-24 Jan 1991 View
Biography, corresondence and papers MC 376/193, USF 11/5 1944-1945 View
Cartoons: 'Rackheath Memories' and related papers MC 371/476, USF 11/6 nd [1943-1945] View
Casualty roster MC 376/213, USF 11/10 1995 View
Collection of mounted photographs part four: 453rd Bomb Group and 458th Bomb Group MC 371/908/90-126, USF PH 23/2 c 1944-1945 View
Collection of mounted photographs part one: 466th Bomb Group, 467th Bomb Group and various other subjects MC 371/908/1-42, USF PH 23/1 1943-1973 View
Collection of mounted photographs part three: 466th Bomb Group, 467th Bomb Group and 491st Bomb Group MC 371/908/65-89, USF PH 23/1-2 c 1943-1945 View
Combat diary MC 376/15, USF 11/1 Feb-Sep 1944 View
Commemorative short-snorter bank note showing the B-24 'Witchcraft' MC 376/655, USF 13/1 [1943] View
Copy of pilot's 201 file MC 376/188, USF 11/8 nd [1943-1945] View
Correspondence and photographs relating to a 200th mission party, the Coffey crew and B-24 'Witchcraft' MC 376/533, USF 11/5 12 Aug 1970 View
Correspondence and publications MC 376/194, USF 11/5 1943-1997 View
Diaries MC 371/500, USF 9/2 1944-1945 View
Diary: 'A Wartime Log 12 Jul 1944-19 Feb 1945' MC 376/217, USF 11/10 12 Jul 1944-19 Feb 1945 View
Documents and photographs relating to the crash of B-24 'Belle Of The East' MC 376/200, USF 11/7 5 Dec 1943-25 Aug 1944 View
Documents relating to the 200th mission party MC 376/197, USF 11/7 nd [20th century] View
Documents, photographs and memorabilia relating to Charles David Grinnell MC 376/411, USF OVR 1 1944-1996 View
Fabric uniform patches (reproduction) MC 371/844, USF Patches/1 nd [late 20th Century] View
Flak concentration maps MC 371/480, USF PH 11/1 1944 View
Flight logs and formation sheets MC 371/923, USF 11/6 19 Dec 1944-21 Apr 1945 View
Flight records MC 376/204, USF 11/7 May 1943-Aug 1945 View
Illustrated memoir MC 376/192, USF 11/2 nd [late 20th century] View
Information 'Poop' sheet for trolley mission MC 371/484, USF 11/1 nd [1945] View
'Les Armees Alliees Debarquent' MC 371/921, USF 11/1 nd [c 1944] View
Letter of appreciation from a crew to the Henderson-Gray family MC 376/535, USF 11/10 16 Jun 1945 View
List of aircraft salvaged and reparied by Field Engineering MC 376/216, USF 11/10 1945 View
List of Group Commanders MC 371/479, USF 11/1 20 Aug 1943-5 Jul 1945 View
Loading list MC 371/463, USF 11/1 29 May 1945 View
Memoir MC 376/536, USF 11/1 1922-2006 View
Memoir MC 376/195, USF 11/6 nd [20th Century] View
Memoir MC 376/196, USF 11/7 5 Dec 1943-12 Dec 1944 View
Memoir MC 376/190, USF 11/1 1977 View
Memoir MC 376/537, USF 11/9 1941-1945 View
Memoir MC 376/215, USF 11/10 1990-1992 View
Memoir and photograph of Stanley Kilar's crew MC 376/207, USF 11/9 18 Nov 1993 View
Memoir of a return visit to Rackheath, 1988. MC 376/542, USF 11/6 1988 View
Memoir: 'Saga of a Reluctant Co-pilot' MC 371/471, USF 11/5 20th century View
Memorabilia MC 376/409, USF 11/10 nd [1943-1945] View
Mission diary of Coy Lawson MC 371/173, USF 3/5 12 Oct 1944-1 May 1945 View
Mission list and article about Harding Isaacson, with 788th Squadron history MC 371/482, USF 11/7 24 Jul 1944-10 Jan 1945 View
Mission list for the Wheeler crew MC 371/498, USF 11/10 6 Feb 1945-25 Apr 1945 View
Mission log and papers relating to Kagy's crew MC 371/466, USF 11/5 27 Feb 1944-21 Jul 1944 View
Mission maps for Germany and central France with trolley mission itinerary MC 376/205, USF 11/8 nd [1945] View
Movement order MC 371/499, USF 11/10 29 May 1945 View
Movement order MC 371/472, USF 11/6 6 Mar 1944 View
Movement orders MC 376/191, USF 11/1 29 May 1945 View
Navigational chart and flight plan for mission to Pointe de Grave, France MC 376/212, USF 11/10 14 Apr 1945 View
News cuttings MC 371/483, USF 11/10 1945-1990 View
News cuttings, photographs, letter of appreciation MC 376/209, USF 11/10 1945-1995 View
Newscuttings and photographs relating to Henry Ellison and the Hensley crew MC 371/475, USF 11/6 nd [1943-1945] View
Newsletter MC 371/493, USF 11/9 nd [late 20th century] View
Newspapers MC 376/202, USF 11/7 1945 View
Ordnance Survey Military Edition map of East Anglia (war revision 1940) MC 371/871, USF OVR/3 1940 View
Photocopies of crew lists for crews placed on flying status MC 371/468, USF 11/1 20 Feb 1944 View
Photocopies of formation sheets and flight plans MC 376/211, USF 11/10 11 Aug 1944-9 May 1945 View
Photocopy of 'A Year At Rackheath', the official history of the first year of 467th Bomb Group at Rackheath MC 376/210, USF 11/10 1945 View
Photocopy of Floyd Pugh's mission list MC 371/487, USF 11/8 10 Apr 1944-28 Jun 1944 View
Photocopy of mission report for mission to Friedrichstrasse railway station, Berlin MC 376/214, USF 11/10 29 Apr 1944 View
Photocopy of 'Rackheath Memories', a book of cartoons, photographs of group commanders and mission log MC 371/488, USF 11/9 11 Jul 1944-25 Mar 1945 View
Photograph (captioned) showing Keith Newhouse and crew MC 376/206, USF 11/8 16 Aug 1944 View
Photograph album relating to Rackheath airbase: volume four MC 376/302, USF 11/4 nd [1943-1983] View
Photograph album relating to Rackheath airbase: volume one MC 376/299, USF 11/3 nd [1943-c1983] View
Photograph album relating to Rackheath airbase: volume three MC 376/301, USF 11/4 nd [1943-1945] View
Photograph album relating to Rackheath airbase: volume two MC 376/300, USF 11/3 nd [1943-1945] View
Photograph collection, marked 'album four' containing laser copies of a crew photograph (crew no. 12, 788th Bomb Squadron, 467th Bomb Group), Lt Ernest J. Haar's crew with the B-24 'Umbriago' MC 376/381, USF 23/1 c 1942-1984 View
Photograph of B-24 'The Prowler' with related papers about a Rackheath reunion MC 376/199, USF 11/7 nd [20th century] View
Photograph of the 1080th Signal Corps MC 376/198, USF 11/1 nd [20th century] View
Photograph of 'The Airliners' band MC 376/18, USF 11/9 20th century View
Photographs MC 371/469, USF 11/5 1944-1945 View
Photographs MC 371/497, USF 11/10 nd [1944-1945] View
Photographs (captioned) of displays of wartime memorabilia and reunion photographs, Omaha, 1990 MC 376/208, USF PH 11/2 Oct 1990 View
Photographs (captioned) showing Rackheath airfield and memorial plaque MC 371/490, USF PH 11/1 1986-1987 View
Photographs (captioned) showing the remains of Rackheath airfield MC 371/489, USF PH 11/1 1986-1987 View
Photographs and guidebooks MC 371/494, USF 11/9 nd [1943-1945] View
Photographs and manuals MC 376/201, USF 11/8 nd [1943-1945] View
Photographs and papers relating to dedication of a memorial to Reid's crew, Barsham MC 376/532, USF 11/9 24 Apr 1999 View
Photographs and papers sent to Bill Robertie as editor of the 2nd Air Division Association's 'Journal' MC 376/682, USF 21/16 9 Oct 1983 View
Photographs and papers sent to Bill Robertie as editor of the 2nd Air Division Association's 'Journal': articles and correspondence relating to Tom Rogers 491st Bomb Group (Metfield/North Pickenham) MC 376/681, USF 21/16 2 Apr 1981-6 Apr 1982 View
Photographs and papers sent to Bill Robertie as editor of the 2nd Air Division Association's 'Journal': articles and correspondence relating to Phillip Day, 467th Bomb Group (Rackheath) MC 376/675, USF 21/16 9 May 1980 View
Photographs and papers sent to Bill Robertie as editor of the 2nd Air Division Association's 'Journal': memoirs and stories from veterans MC 376/602/6, USF 21/15 1979-1982 View
Photographs of aeroplane nose art MC 371/481, USF PH 11/1 nd [1943-1945] View
Photographs of presentation of a painting to Bernard Matthews at the 2nd Air Division Memorial Library MC 376/642, USF PH 20/4 12 Feb 2004 View
Photographs of Rackheath Hall and Sir Edward Stracey MC 376/558, USF PH 11/1 1944 View
Photographs of scenes, aircraft and personnel at Rackheath MC 376/728, USF PH 11/1 1944 View
Photographs of the restoration of Rackheath control tower MC 376/660, USF PH 11/2 c 2000 View
Photographs relating to B-24 'Witchcraft' MC 371/491, USF PH 11/1 nd [1943-1945] View
Photographs relating to John Frank Bales MC 376/729, USF 11/10 Jan 2015 View
Photographs relating to the Coffey crew memorial gates and Rackheath MC 376/652, USF PH 11/2 Apr 2007 View
Photographs, Stephenson crew list and short snorter MC 371/501, USF 11/1 nd [1943-1945] View
Publications and essay describing a typical mission MC 376/278, USF 11/9 1945 View
Publications and histories relating to the 467th Bomb Group MC 376/410, USF 11/9 nd [c 1943-1945] View
Recorded memoir of Arthur Lyle Prichard MC 371/882/2 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Fred Jansen MC 371/882/47 nd [1985] View
Recorded memoir of Leon Moquin MC 371/882/8 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Lynn Allen MC 371/882/23 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Phillip G. Day, copy of MC 371/882/28/1 (side B of cassette) MC 371/882/28/2 21 Feb 1983 View
Recorded memoir of Phillip G. Day, master recording (side A of cassette) MC 371/882/28/1 21 Feb 1983 View
Recorded memoir of Ralph Anderson MC 371/882/12 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of William H. Counts MC 371/882/44 nd [c 1985] View
Reprint of a crew photograph (captioned) showing Arnold A. Pryor's crew. MC 371/492, USF PH 11/1 nd [1944-1945] View
Reprints of photographs showing the B-24 'Witchcraft' with members of its ground maintenance crew MC 376/656, USF PH 11/2 [1943] View
Salvaged aircraft and mission notes MC 371/462, USF 11/1 20 Mar 1944-4 Jun 1945 View
Scrapbook relating to Rackheath MC 371/478, USF 11/11 nd [1943-1947] View
Signed copy of a poem of tribute to the 467th Bomb Group, written by John Wright MC 371/502, USF 11/10 1987 View
Special orders, movement orders, and other records, relating to Macintire's career MC 376/203, USF 11/7 1943-1945 View
Station regulations MC 371/495, USF 11/1 15 Mar 1944 View
Tony North's photograph album: 467th Bomb Group MC 376/743, USF 23/7 c 1942-c 1945 View
Training manuals MC 371/465, USF 11/2 1944-1945 View
Training notes and memorabilia MC 376/534, USF 11/9 1943-1945 View
Transcript of recorded memoir of Arthur Lyle Prichard MC 371/486, USF 11/8 nd [c 1985] View
Turret instruction manual MC 371/464, USF 11/1 nd [1943-1945] View
Typed account of a visit to Rackheath, 'Return To Rackheath' MC 371/477, USF 11/6 1988 View
Visitor information MC 371/496, USF 11/10 1995 View