Shipdham Airfield (Station 115)

First Image Title Catalogue Reference Date(s)
67th Bomb Squadron Christmas card MC 371/8, USF 1/2 1943 View
Collection of mounted photographs part two: 44th Bomb Group, 93rd Bomb Group, 389th Bomb Group and 392nd Bomb Group MC 371/908/43-64, USF PH 23/1 c 1943-1944 View
Combat record of T/Sgt Donald V. Chase, 44th Bomb Group MC 376/801, USF 23/8 1982 View
Copies of movement orders, official documents and photographs MC 376/29, USF 1/3 1944 View
Copy of article: 'Combat with a Hat' MC 371/20, USF 1/3 Jan 1945 View
Crew photographs MC 371/7, USF PH 1/1 1944-1945 View
General information MC 371/81, USF 1/10 1990s View
Griffith Crew memoirs MC 376/430, USF 1/2 1943-1944 View
Griffith Crew memoirs MC 376/430, USF 1/2 1943-1944 View
Hans van Lith, 'Vlucht zonder Terugkeer' (Amsterdam, 1988) MC 371/902, USF 1/7 1988 View
Memoir of Lawrence Platt MC 376/36, USF 1/9 Oct 1992 View
Memoir of Meg Cole Smith relating to Woodrow Cole MC 376/438, USF 1/3 late 20th century View
Memoir of Meg Cole Smith relating to Woodrow Cole MC 376/438, USF 1/3 late 20th century View
Memoir of P.G. Dann MC 371/14, USF 1/3 c 1945 View
Memoir, 'Tales of the 44th' relating to Forrest S. Clark and the Griffith's Crew: part four MC 376/4, USF 1/3 20th century View
Memoir, 'Tales of the 44th' relating to Forrest S. Clark and the Griffith's Crew: part one MC 371/13, USF 1/2 20th century View
Memoir, 'Tales of the 44th' relating to Forrest S. Clark and the Griffith's Crew: part two MC 376/2, USF 1/3 20th century View
Memoir: 'Combat Record of T/Sgt Donald Chase' MC 371/9, USF 1/2 1982 View
Opening of the theatre and enlisted men's club, Shipdham MC 371/34, USF PH 1/1 1945 View
Papers relating to 44th Bomb Group combat missions on D-Day, 6 June 1944 MC 376/34, USF 1/8 1944 View
Photograph of aircraft and mission map MC 371/80, USF 1/1 6 Oct 1944 View
Photograph of the Griffith Crew MC 371/12, USF 1/2 1944-1997 View
Photographic portraits of Lt Col Griffin at Station Headquarters MC 371/26, USF PH 1/1 May 1944-Apr 1945 View
Photographs MC 376/435, USF 1/3 1990 View
Photographs and news cuttings MC 376/26, USF 1/1 1992 View
Photographs and papers sent to Bill Robertie as editor of the 2nd Air Division Association's 'Journal': memoirs and stories from veterans MC 376/602/6, USF 21/15 1979-1982 View
Photographs and records relating to George Kubes MC 376/260, USF 1/7 1986-1988 View
Photographs of 67th Bomb Squadron personnel MC 371/77, USF PH 1/1 23 Jun 1943-26 Aug 1944 View
Photographs of a Thanksgiving Day dinner at Shipdham MC 371/43, USF 1/4 23 Nov 1944 View
Photographs of Americans learning to play cricket at Shipdham MC 371/27, USF PH 1/1 1945 View
Photographs of Eddie Rickenbacker at Shipdham MC 376/343, USF PH 1/2 1943 View
Photographs of Maj. Gen. Stratemeyer at Shipdham MC 376/342, USF 1/6 21 Apr 1943 View
Photographs relating to Shipdham airbase and B-24 aircraft MC 376/121, USF PH 1/2 Jun 1943 View
Photographs showing a visit to Shipdham, by the Lord Mayor of Norwich, William J. Finch MC 371/47, USF PH 1/1 20 Jan 1944 View
Photographs showing derelict buildings and wall art at Shipdham airbase MC 371/54, USF PH 1/2 1986 View
Photographs showing Shipdham airbase MC 376/433, USF PH 1/1 Jul 1987-Aug 1987 View
Photographs showing transfer of station from RAF to USAAF MC 371/44, USF PH 1/1 11 May 1943 View
Photographs, order of service, poem and memoir MC 376/1, USF 1/1 14 Aug 1942-Jul 1946 View
Prints of aircraft and aricraft nose art MC 376/261, USF 1/10 late 20th century View
Recorded memoir of Albert E. Jones MC 371/882/3 nd [ c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Arthur Henshall MC 371/882/53 1986 View
Recorded memoir of Don Jenkins MC 371/882/26 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Edward Schoessler MC 371/882/61 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Forrest S. Clark [first of two recordings] MC 371/882/14 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Forrest S. Clark [second of two recordings], part 1 of 2 (side A of cassette) MC 371/882/41/1 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Forrest S. Clark [second of two recordings], part 2 of 2 (side B of cassette) MC 371/882/41/2 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of H.C. Henry (known as Pete Henry) MC 371/882/20 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Jim O'Brien (also known as James O'Brien) MC 371/882/16 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Lyndon Crane Allen MC 371/882/4 17 Feb 1983 View
Recorded memoir of Marvin S. Kite MC 371/882/29 nd [c 1985] View
Recorded memoir of Robert Dubowsky MC 371/882/19 19 Feb 1983 View
Records relating to the grave of Lt L.M. Bean and 44th Bomb Group memorials MC 371/74, USF 1/1 20th century View
Tony North's photograph album: 44th Bomb Group MC 376/732, USF 23/2 c 1942-c 1945 View
Typed transcript of recorded memoir of Albert E. Jones MC 371/51, USF 1/6 nd [c 1985] View
Typed transcript of recorded memoir of Lyndon Crane Allen MC 371/1, USF 1/1 17 Feb 1983 View
Typescript transcription of H.C. Henry's recorded memoir MC 376/97, USF 1/5 nd [c 1985] View
Visit of members of British Women's Land Army to Shipdham MC 371/46, USF PH 1/1 Apr 1945 View